Got Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? Don’t Eat these Foods While Recovering

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Got Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? Don’t Eat these Foods While Recovering

Got Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? Don’t Eat these Foods While Recovering

Wisdom teeth that grow at the back of the mouth will not be giving a pleasant experience for everyone. If your jaw doesn’t have sufficient room to accommodate your wisdom teeth, they could only partially erupt and lead to damage of your surrounding teeth. This leads to pain and other kinds of dental problems.

To prevent this, your dental professional might suggest wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. But once you have them removed, you cannot jump right in to your favourite diet. Make sure to avoid the following types of food during recovery:

Spicy, Hot Foods:

During the initial days after surgery, stay away from hot, spicy foods and drinks. The hot temperatures in the food would disturb the surgical site by impacting the blood clot and leading to dry socket, which could be very painful. This is why dental professionals suggest avoiding hot and spicy foods after wisdom teeth removal in Sydney.

However, you could indulge in warm and comfortable soft foods such as mashed potatoes, vegetable soup, and soft pasta. Other suggested soft foods include milk shakes, smoothies, yogurt, and more. These foods are not just easy to consume, but nutritious as well. In fact, they facilitate your healing process in a great way.

Alcoholic Drinks:

Strictly avoid alcoholic drinks during the first 24 hours after the procedure, else it could slow down the healing process. You could even experience more pain and swelling as you consume alcohol right after the surgery. Talk to the dental professional and they will let you know when it is ideal for you to consume alcohol and how it might affect your medication if you are consuming it during the recovery period.

Carbonated Drinks:

Keeping your body hydrated is necessary for proper healing after removing wisdom teeth in Sydney, but that doesn’t mean that you could consume all kinds of liquid foods. Hydration helps to keep your oral mucosa and blood clots in good condition. Along with alcohol, avoid soda and carbonated drinks that could impact the blood clot. Most importantly, you should never use straw to consume any type of liquid food, unless you are fully recovered. The pressure exerted with the sucking motion might lead to breakage of blood clot.

Small-Sized Foods:

Sweet food items would have small seeds on them such as poppy seeds, for instance. Small seeds and grains should be avoided as the chances for them to get trapped in the tooth sockets are high. This might also have to be removed by a dental professional to prevent infection.

These are the 4 types of foods that should be avoided after wisdom teeth removal. For other important post-care instructions or for details about wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney, get in touch with the dentist.