Wisdom Teeth Removal Survival Guide: Postoperative Tips

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Wisdom Teeth Removal Survival Guide: Postoperative Tips

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Knowing what to expect after wisdom teeth removal surgery and how to recuperate can help guide you toward a speedy recovery. Wisdom Teeth Day Surgery, the safe and low-cost wisdom teeth removal in Sydney have put together this survival guide with tips and instructions on what to expect and how to handle this often painful time.

What You Can Expect After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

  • Pain in and around mouth
  • Numbness of mouth and neck
  • Some swelling of gums and neck
  • Bleeding
  • Inflammation of the gums
  • Slow-healing of the gums

Recovery Tips to Speed-Up Your Healing Process:


Apply ice packs to the outside of your mouth intermittently (20 minutes on, 20 minutes off) for up to two days to minimise swelling, bruising or any discomfort.


After surgery, you can expect some oozing, so keep a gauze pad over the extraction site for 30 minutes. Another alternative is to use a moistened tea bag for the same amount of time. The tannic acid in the tea contracts the bleeding vessels, which helps the blood clot set.

Pain Management:

You may be able to manage pain with an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others), or a prescription pain medication from your wisdom teeth removal dentist in Sydney.


Drink lot of water after the surgery. Don’t drink alcoholic, caffeinated, carbonated or hot beverages in the first 24 hours. Don’t use straw for at least a week because the sucking action can dislodge the blood clot from the socket.


Take prescribed pain medications and antibiotics for infection exactly as directed by your dentist.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene:

Maintaining good oral hygiene the following four to six weeks is the key to prevent food debris and bacteria from collecting.

There is really nothing to fear with having this treatment as the wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney is relatively low and the recovery process easier. Many patients schedule the procedure on a Thursday or Friday, and they’re back to work or school by Monday, but it all depends on the experience and expertise of the oral surgeon you choose.