Frequently Asked Questions about Wisdom Teeth Removal

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Frequently Asked Questions about Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to erupt in the late teens and early twenties. However, wisdom teeth are always problematic, and that’s why extraction is often recommended by the dentists as a preventive measure in order to protect other healthy teeth.

That said, the thought of wisdom teeth surgery can be daunting and can leave you feeling anxious and stressed. But, wisdom teeth removal is a simple, standard procedure in dentistry, and it is carried out under anesthesia. Hence, you don’t have to worry about the procedure as long as your dentist is experienced and skilled.

We have listed some of the most commonly and frequently asked questions about Wisdom Teeth Sydney to help understand the necessity of the procedure:-

Does everyone have wisdom teeth?

No! Although four common wisdom teeth is a common number, some may have one or two wisdom teeth and some don’t have anything at all. So, it’s not necessary that everyone should have all four wisdom teeth.

Why should I remove my wisdom teeth Sydney?

Wisdom teeth often don’t get enough space on the jawline to erupt in the right position. So, when they attempt to erupt, wisdom teeth get trapped under the gum. This condition is called impaction. There are four types of wisdom teeth impaction and it significantly influences the wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney.

An impacted wisdom tooth can cause a lot of dental problems such as dental decay, gum disease, teeth shifting, teeth crowding, cyst, pain, inflammation, and mild to severe infections. You wouldn’t want to compromise your natural teeth over wisdom teeth. Would you? That’s why you need to remove your wisdom teeth as early as possible. However, your dentist is the right person to determine whether you need to extract your wisdom teeth or not because the position of the impacted wisdom teeth should dictate whether it should be removed or not. The anesthesia you have chosen also affects the Wisdom teeth removal price Sydney.

How are wisdom teeth removed?

Wisdom teeth removal is a common dental procedure in dentistry and millions of people undergo this procedure every year. When precisely planned and executed by skilled and experienced doctors, it is a very simple and predictable procedure. Wisdom teeth are extracted by administering anesthesia and you won’t feel any pain.  The dentist will make a small incision on the gum to expose the teeth and pull it out. You may or may not need stitches.

What should I expect immediately after the procedure?

You’ll expect bleeding and swelling and little discomfort after the removal. But, by taking the medicines at the right time, you could control the discomfort, bleeding, and swelling.

How long is the recovery?

The recovery is quick and it may take anywhere from seven to ten days. The discomfort should wear off after the second or third day and ends after a week following the surgery.