After care tips handle your Wisdom Teeth Removal like a pro!

After care tips handle your Wisdom Teeth Removal like a pro!

After care tips handle your Wisdom Teeth Removal like a pro!

Wisdom tooth removal is an extensive dental procedure that a good number of people across the world will want in some time in the future in their life. Nobody loves to hear from their dentist that the time has come for their wisdom teeth to be pulled out. Growing in the teens, these third molars will not have enough space to develop. They might also grow in different directions altering the other healthy teeth. So it is far better to have them removed as early as possible.

The biggest concern most of us will have is the wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney. But let us tell you it is much affordable. Next it definitely it would be how to cope up with it after the surgery. Though the time for complete healing varies with individuals, here we are to will help you with some aftercare tips for a smooth recovery.

1. Bleeding Care:

A little bleeding after wisdom teeth removal is common. You can bite down a piece of damp gauze in the bleeding place and apply constant pressure. If bleeding persists, keep a damp tea bag in the surgical site and bite it down. The tannin from the tea aids in clotting of blood. Take leave from works, rest completely at least until the bleeding stops completely.

2. Handle Pain and Discomfort:

You will no pain throughout the surgery due to the anaesthesia used, but if you feel any discomfort after the surgery, take the pain reliever medications, your dentist prescribes. If you are given any antibiotics, take it as prescribes and end the course.

3. Swelling:

Swelling after any surgery is common. Keep an ice pack in the swollen place for every 20 minutes. You can ask your dentist for any anti-inflammatory medicines in case you cannot handle it if it doesn’t subside even after a day.

4. What to Eat and What not to? 

Take lots of liquids, post wisdom surgery. Take soft meals like puddings and yoghurt for the first 24 hours. Move on gradually to your regular diet. Try to avoid chewing ingredients in the location of surgery. Make sure you are taking nutritious meals to balance your calorie intake.

Strictly avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks. Also, say no to using a straw for drinking your fluids. The suckling movement may dislodge the blood clots formed in the surgical site.

5. Hygiene! 

Hygiene and it is everything! Brush your teeth from the next day of surgery. Brush twice a day. Rinse your mouth several times a day and after every single meal with saltwater. Some areas may also be tough to clean with a brush because of swelling, make sure you rinse them properly.

By taking good care of yourself during the recovery period after wisdom teeth removal, you will again get back to your usual routine quickly.  Slowly try to resume back to your normal routine at your comfort, do not rush up. If you are a person who prefers to work-out regularly, start slowly post-surgery.

If you have any pain, swelling, or other concerns post wisdom teeth removal at any point of time, visit your dentist.