Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost and Tips to Lower It

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Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost and Tips to Lower It

wisdom tooth removal cost in Sydney

Wisdom teeth removal is scary and once you dive into the bills, it becomes even worse. But, if you are able to keep the wisdom tooth removal cost in Sydney as low as possible, then the recovery path would become easier for you to travel.

For most persons, wisdom teeth are a set of “extra” teeth that only seem to cause pain and discomfort. Wisdom teeth removal is recommended for people, who experience,

  • Pain
  • Damage to other teeth
  • Misalignment of other teeth
  • Damage to the jaw
  • Increase tooth decay
  • Gum inflammation
  • Sinus issues

Initially, your dentist use X-rays and various other examination techniques to figure out how your wisdom teeth may affect the rest of your mouth over time. Based on the examination results, your dentist will frame a strategy and cost for wisdom teeth removal.

Depending on the complexity of wisdom teeth removal, the cost and time allocated to perform the surgery may vary.

A dentist may charge $150 to $375 for performing the surgery and the cost of wisdom tooth removal in Sydney with anaesthesia may range from a minimum of $320 to a maximum of $375.

Tips to Save Money on Wisdom Teeth Removal

Here, we have listed a few money saving tips to lower your out-of-pocket costs spend on wisdom teeth removal.


Based on your location and a variety of other factors, your government may be able to help you with the cost of wisdom teeth removal. By the medicare policy of Australian government, through bulk billing if the wisdom teeth removal cost you incur is next to zero, and will be paid for by the government itself.

Dental Insurance

Getting the right dental insurance is the ideal way to lower wisdom tooth removal costs. If you are holding a dental insurance, it may cover up to 80%, depending on your plan and requirements of the procedure. So, be wise while choosing a dental insurance plan and compare how plans treat wisdom tooth removal when shopping around.

Discounted Dental Plans

Discounted dental plans can be used along with dental insurance or it can be utilised independently. The only thing you have to do is get a membership and you may have access to discount pricing on whatever procedures are a part of the plan.

Dental Schools

Signing up as a patient in a one of the dental schools in Australia helps you to lowers the overall cost of wisdom teeth removal in Sydney. In dental schools, the surgical procedure is done by the dental students under the supervision of a specialist with years of experience in the industry. Hence, they offer cheap wisdom teeth removal in Sydney but expect a longer wait and less of a discount.

Dental costs are skyrocketing but with a little effort those costs can be brought right back down to ease your budget.